River Flood Analysis and Modelling

This programme includes the state-of-the-art concepts and practices of flood modelling for management. The programme introduces modelling used for planning and design as well as for forecasting floods in order to plan for mitigation solution.

The Trainer will cover the application domains of Hydroinformatics floods and urban systems environment, climate change and its impacts on hydrology. Learner will able to learn the nature and characteristics of floods, Futhermore, learner will be educated to apply the hydrological methods for flood routing and hydraulic methods for flood routing/ modelling in rivers.

Programme Objective:

By the end of the programme, learner will be able to:

  • understand and explain the main flood management system

  • understand governing process of flood generation and propagation

  • identify the proper modelling methodology for river flood problem

  • carry out a practical hydrological study with HEC-HMS and hydrodynamic study with HEC-RAS

  • understand and analyse the main sources of uncertainty in flooding model

Feel free to contact us for more detail information.